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Lake Life Local Events: Jan. 28th-Feb. 3rd


Lake Life Local Events Jan. 28th- Feb. 3rd

Brie Stephens

Brie has always been a devoted enthusiast of the Lake Life lifestyle, with an unwavering passion for New Hampshire and its charming Lakes Region...

Brie has always been a devoted enthusiast of the Lake Life lifestyle, with an unwavering passion for New Hampshire and its charming Lakes Region...

Jan 25 7 minutes read

Movie Night- Incredibles 2: Jan. 29th 5-7pm

This month we're screening the new hit film, "Incredibles 2," starring Craig T. Nelson and Holly Hunter.

Bob Pare (Mr. Incredible) is left to care for the kids while Helen (Elastigirl) is out saving the world.

This film is 118 minutes long, and rated PG for action sequences and some brief, mild language.

Located at Meredith Public Library at 91 Main St in Meredith.

Family Movie Night- Mona Lisa Smile: Jan. 30th 5-7pm

Everyone is welcome!
Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Located at Holderness Free Library at 866 US Rte 3 in Holderness.

Landscaping at the Water’s Edge: Jan. 31st 5:30-7pm

Come Wine-Down with us Thursday January 31, 2019! You don't want to miss out, this event SOLD OUT LAST YEAR!

Will landscaping add value to your property? What landscape projects or maintenance will increase my properties value? What can I do to landscape my waterfront?

Meet the Stephens Landscaping team and the Lake Life Realty team for answers to all your landscape, permit, design questions on what you can and can't do along the water and find out what projects will help with the value of selling your property now or in the future!

Food and beverages will be served! RSVP required.

Located at Stephens Landscaping at 62 Moultonboro Neck Rd in Moultonborough.

The Skin of Our Teeth: Jan. 31st-Feb 3rd 

Winni Players Community Theatre present Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize winning epic fantasy/allegory about a unique family who have survived 5,000 years of calamities and successes.

Note performances are: Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm; Sunday matinee at 2:00 pm.

Tickets range $14-$20. Available by phone at 603-279-0333 or online here.

Located Winnipesauakee Playhouse, 33 Footlight Circle in Meredith. For more information visit

Open Mic Night Rail Trail Coffee House: Feb. 1st 6:30pm

A free, family friendly community event, Seven Suns Coffee, Tea, Treats & Monthly Birthday Celebrations. All musicians, poets, storytellers and comedians are welcome. The Open Mic is sponsored by the Lake Region Vineyard Church - Homestead, but is not a religious function.

For more information contact Scott Severance at 603-569-2644

Located at 85 Centre Street in Wolfeboro.

10th Annual New England Pond Hockey Classic: Feb 1-3rd

Opening weekend to pond hockey is going to be a blast everyone will be out there with loud music fires and maybe even some fireworks hope to see everyone out there!

Located on Meredith Bay in Meredith.

Introduction to Animal Tracking (Adults): Feb. 2nd 1-3pm

Tracks always tell a fascinating story! Learn the basics of animal tracking in this interactive walk and gain the skills to better determine what our animal neighbors are up to this winter.

For tickets:

Located at Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center at 928 White Oaks Rd in Laconia.

$15 ($12 Members; FREE for Upgraded Members)

For more information visit or call (603)366-5695.

Bratwurst and Beer Tasting: Feb. 2nd 12-5pm

Don’t miss Meredith’s most exciting winter weekend events, the Pond Hockey Classic.
Hermit Woods Winery will be grilling bratwurst on the deck and offering complimentary beer tasting.
Beer and Wine by the glass sold in the deli will be 25% off, cans and draughts!

Click here for more details:

Located at Hermit Woods Winery at 72 Main St in Meredith.

Wolfeboro Area Winter Farmers Market: Feb. 2nd 10am-2pm

We have a great variety of vendors with many different products such as baked goods, honey, olive oils, duck eggs, jams and jellies, handmade cards, seasonal vegetables mushrooms, chaga, gluten free baked goods, handmade soaps, farm raised meats, chicken eggs, raw cows milk products and much more!

Make plans to stop by the market visit our returning vendors and also our NEW vendors!
Hot food also available!

Located at 115 S Main St in Wolfeboro.

Wild Winter Walk- Guided Tour of the Live Animal Exhibit Trail: Feb. 2nd 1pm

For adults and families with children ages 6 and up.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the animals at the Science Center during the winter? Most of them stay in the same place, just as they would in the wild. Join a staff naturalist for a guided walk on the live animal exhibit trail to see our animal ambassadors dressed in their winter coats and discuss how these native animals are well-adapted for winter in New Hampshire. If needed, snowshoes are available at no extra cost or bring your own. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Dress to be outdoors with snow boots, hats, gloves, and warm layers.

Cost: $8/member; $10/non-member
Located at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 23 Science Center Rd in Holderness.

Sledding Party: Feb. 2nd 2:30-4:30pm

ALL are invited to join us (whether you participated in the derby or not) for Part 2 of the Virtual Cardboard Box Sled Derby – a sledding party! Bring your homemade sleds or purchased sleds and meet us in the meadow by Shannon Pond to enjoy riding down the hill and seeing everyone else’s creations. We recommend participants wear a helmet when sledding in case of any wipe-outs.

After sledding, all are invited to join us inside at the Carriage House for light refreshments and a video slide show of the derby entries. At this time, ribbons will be awarded to the winners of the virtual contest. If there is no snow on the hill, the indoor activities will take place as planned. We will set a “blizzard” date for the sledding party if necessary.

Located at Castle in Clouds at 455 Old Mountain Rd in Moultonborough.

Brush Lettering for Beginners: Feb. 2nd 2-4pm

Come join us in the Little Dog Paper Co. studio for an afternoon of brush lettering and fun!

Each attendee will receive a modern brush lettering kit that includes a workbook and practice sheets, a set of marker pens and the chance to letter your own greeting card.

This two-hour instructional class will teach you the basics of brush lettering while educating you on the ups and downs (pun intended) of the art of hand lettering.

Located at Little Dog Paper Co. at 31-A Main Street in Meredith.

Winter Bird Banding: Feb. 2nd 10am

For all ages. Looking for a chance to see wild birds up close? Join us to find out why and how we capture, band, and release birds that gather at our winter feeding station. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Time will be spent indoors and outdoors; bring warm layers, hats, and gloves.

Cost: $8/member; $10/non-member

Located at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 23 Science Center Rd in Holderness.

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