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The M/S Mount Washington: Business Spotlight

Brie Stephens

Brie has always been a devoted enthusiast of the Lake Life lifestyle, with an unwavering passion for New Hampshire and its charming Lakes Region...

Brie has always been a devoted enthusiast of the Lake Life lifestyle, with an unwavering passion for New Hampshire and its charming Lakes Region...

Jul 23 2 minutes read

All Aboard!

If you live in the Lakes Region, you know that the M/S Mount Washington is a staple to Lake Winnipesaukee as you can often view it from either boat or car. The ship has a rich history, which we got to learn a little bit about about. We had the chance to talk to one of the captains on board, Denis Finnerty about the different ports, cruises, and his favorite parts about working on the ship! Whether you take a day cruise, dinner cruise, or charter the ship, there is fun for all ages on the Mount!

The M/S Mount Washington that you see now, is not the original ship. The first one was an 178 foot wooden ship that launched in Alton Bay back in 1872 and was used to transport traveler's from one point of the lake to the next. In the early 20th century, cars were becoming the most popular form of transportation so the ship was used as a tourist attraction. But, in the winter of 1924 a massive fire in Laconia on Weirs Beach wiped out the boardwalk, railway, dock, and ship along with it. Eventually Captain Lavallee found a new vessel on Lake Champlain in Vermont that was made from iron, and they disassembled it and brought it back to the Lakes Region to rebuild. It was an expensive process, but the ship would soon be operated by the Hedblom family which they would do for the next thirty years. Thanks to the Hedblom family, the M/S Mount Washington gets to sail the beautiful lake with her two sister vessels: M/V Sophie C. and M/V Doris E. Head to the M/S Mount Washington website to learn more about the boat, and to book a cruise!

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